Visual Interactive Excel Workbooks
Elementary Statistics, Management Science, and Finance
(I've eliminated, or at least minimized, algebraic manipulation, data entry, and graphing )
Elementary Statistics
This is a 15 to 30 hour Statistics course which covers Descriptive Statistics via interaction with probability distributions. No prior knowledge of statistics or probability or Excel is needed. Excel version 2010 or higher on Windows, or 2011 or higher on Apple is required. It contains 44 pages; 26 of these are exercise pages with solutions.
Management Science
This is a 15 to 30 hour Management Science course which covers Linear Programming via interaction with a two variable graphical solving tool. No prior knowledge of linear programming or Excel is needed. Excel version 2010 or higher on Windows, or 2011 or higher on Apple is required. It contains 23 pages; 13 of these are exercise pages with solutions.
This is a 15 to 30 hour Mathematics of Finance course which covers the time value of money up to and including bonds via interaction with recursive tools in Excel. No prior knowledge of the mathematics of finance or Excel is needed. Excel version 2010 or higher on Windows, or 2011 or higher on Apple is required. It contains 28 pages; 9 of these are exercise pages with solutions.